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Monday, January 28, 2008

BlackBerry: DB upgrade failed. Error Executing an sql statement

Summary: When upgrading BES versions in this instance applying BES 4.1 Service Pack 4, you receive the following error "DB upgrade failed. Error Executing an sql statement" during database upgrade.

Resolution: In this instance; the cause was due to the MSDE database log file having exceeded it's default 50MB limit.

To verify the current size of the MSDE log file; go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data

Locate file BESMGMT.LDF. (Your database name may not be the same) Examine the file size to see if it has approached the 50MB limit.

To increase the limit:

1. Open a command prompt

2. OSQL -E


Re-run the service pack or upgrade.

James Chong (MVP)
MCSE | M+, S+, MCTS, Security+

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

IIS: Error Writing Encrypted Data to the Web Services Configuration Database

Summary: When attempting to install or re-install IIS; you receive the following error:

"Error Writing Encrypted Data to the Web Services Configuration Database" The option gives you the ability to "write unencrypted data." However if you proceed; IIS installation stalls and does not proceed.

World Wide Publishing Service fails to start with

"The specified handle is invalid"

Resolution: Rename the MachinesKeys folder in the following directory to MachineKeysold.

%Windir%\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys

Once this has been renamed; in the IIS installation where you were prompted to choose "write uncrypted data" close out this dialog box by clicking the X (windows close button on top right corner"

IIS will complete the instllation and you will see a new MachineKeys directory. If you already closed out of the prompt box above; just uninstall and re-install IIS.

James Chong (MVP)
Security+, Project+, ITIL

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Exchange: Bulk Remove X.400 Address Using Admodify

Summary: This article will go over how to remove legacy X.400 addresses in bulk using Admodify. X.400 addresses were used in Exchange 5.5 and may not be required. However; removing the recipient policy for your X.400 address will not remove the addresses from your users.

To remove X.400 addresses in bulk:

1. Download Admodify

2. Launch Admodify.exe

3. Modify Attributes

4. Domain List = Choose your domain; Domain Controller = Select your DC

5. Click the Green Arrow

6. Double click your domain in the white pane. This will expand your OU list. You can highlight just the OU you wish your query or highlight the domain to work with all objects in your domain.

7. Click Add to list. This will enumerate your users in the right pane. Click Select All and next.

8. Click the Custom Tab.

9. Check "Make a Customized Attribute Modification"

Attribute name: proxyAddresses
Attribute value: X400:c=US;a= ;p=mycompany;o=FC;s=%'sn'%;g=%'givenName'%;

Note: You need to substitute p=mycompany and o=FC with your own values by checking an existing x.400 address of your user.

10. Check Multivalued Remove and click Go.

11. Verify by checking a user or check the XML log that was produced in the same directory of your admodify.exe file.

Note: Do not forget to delete or uncheck your recipient policy for your x.400 address in ESM.

James Chong (MVP)
MCSE | M+, S+, MCTS, Security+

Monday, January 21, 2008

Exchange: The format of the e-mail address is incorrect

Summary: When sending to an internal user; you receive the following NDR:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: test ignore
Sent: 1/21/2008 11:50 AM

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

Joe Test on 1/21/2008 11:50 AM
The format of the e-mail address is incorrect. Check the address, look up the recipient in the Address Book, or contact the recipient directly to find out the correct address.

Resolution: A second SMTP proxy was added. However sending to this SMTP proxy would fail. The email address was correctly formatted without any special characters. A simple removing of the SMTP address and re-entering it in worked without issue. The cause could've have been pasting the address. Sometimes pasting can cause issues.

James Chong (MVP)
MCSE | M+, S+, MCTS, Security+

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Exchange 2007: Free Busy Not Available for 2003 Users

Summary: Exchange 2007 users cannot view Free Busy for users on Exchange 2003

Resolution: Copy the Free Busy System from to Exchange 2007.

1. Open Exchange 2003 System Manager.
2. Scroll to Administrative Groups and Folders
3. Right click Public Folders - View System Folders
4. Expand Schedule + Free Busy
5. You should see Free Busy subfolders starting with EX: Right click each one properties, replication tab. Add your Exchange 2007 server.

Let it replicate and check 15-30 minutes.

James Chong (MVP)
MCSE | M+, S+, MCTS, Security+
xml:lang="en" lang="en"> MS Exchange Tips: January 2008